Maybe your situation has changed and you have a boat you want to list for sale. Whether you want to buy another boat from us or not, we can help you get it listed and sold. Listings and sales are not limited to the Gulf Coast. Most documents are handled electronically, which gives us access to buyers and sellers worldwide.
Reef Runner Yacht Sales is partnered with YachtWorld, the premier boat listing website, to offer your boat to buyers around the world. Our experienced and knowledgeable brokers are experts in creating professional listings to feature your boat in the best possible way to get it sold.
The main elements of the listing process are:
1. Reviewing Your Vessel: The first step is to become familiar with your boat. We will review its specifications, equipment, condition, upgrades, etc., to help formulate a value. With that information in hand, we can do a detailed search of similar boats sold and compare actual selling prices to better set a listing price for your vessel.
2. The Agreement: We will draw up a Central Listing Agreement specifying the listing price for the vessel, owner information, the vessel information (including the make, model, year, hull number, and length), the term period the listing agreement is valid (usually 365 days from the agreement date), the broker commission percentage for selling the boat (usually 10%), and any additional terms.
3. The Signatures: Once the listing agreement is drawn up, both parties sign to implement it.
4. The Listing: After we have an executed listing agreement, we will work toward building your detailed online listing. We use a vessel-specific checklist of pertinent systems and equipment to be sure we can build the most robust listing possible. We add quality photographs to feature your vessel in the best possible light. We make sure you are completely satisfied with the listing prior to going live online.
5. The Broker: Your Reef Runner Yacht Sales broker will work tirelessly to get your boat sold. We not only try to find interested buyers from our extensive network of clients, but also field calls from other interested parties and brokers. We can advise you on cleaning, staging and repairs so we can feature your boat in the optimum way to get the highest price. We learn your boat so we can expertly show it to interested buyers and get it sold.
6. The Offer: Once an offer is made, we help you navigate it, analyse it, and understand it. We are skilled negotiators who know how to get you the best deal possible on your vessel. We explain the process, review the documents, and give you piece of mind for closing.
Congratulations, you sold your boat!